Scroll Indicators
Encourage visitors to discover more of your Squarespace site and boost conversions with one of these animated scroll indicator arrows.
Only one out of five website visitors scroll down to the bottom of a webpage. If you have any crucial information or call-to-actions below the fold, prospective customers might miss out.
A scroll down arrow for your Squarespace site gently moves up and down automatically, enticing website users to keep reading, and moving them closer to the end of your page.
Subtle and unobtrusive, this scroll indicator engages web users without dominating your page, and suits all website designs and styles.
What’s more, it’s completely code-free, meaning you can install it across your Squarespace site in just a couple of clicks.
If you’re looking for a high-quality scroll indicator for your Squarespace website, this and over 100 fantastic Squarespace customizations can be yours with Spark Plugin.
Websites with Spark Plugin can add this and 100+ customizations. Click here to install Spark Plugin.

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