Squarespace Banner Size: The Ideal Image Dimensions

Squarespace Banner Size: The Ideal Image Dimensions

The Squarespace banner is located at the top of your site. It’s a great opportunity to upload a photo that perfectly represents your brand and gets your prospective customer’s attention.

The question is… what size does your Squarespace banner need to be?

In this article, I’ll tell you the Squarespace banner dimensions and show you some cool ways to customize your banner to make it really stand out.

Ideal Banner Size in Squarespace

Short answer: The ideal Squarespace banner size is 2500 pixels wide.

ideal banner size in Squarespace

Even though Squarespace recommends that the banner is between 1500 and 2500 pixels wide, I would argue that 2500 pixels is the way to go.

Here’s why you shouldn’t go on Squarespace recommendation.

With more and more people having high resolution screens 1500 pixel banner images is way too small. This will result in a blurry and lo-res Squarespace banner.

So why not go larger than 2500 pixels?

Squarespace automatically scale down large images, so the largest banner image size your site can display is 2500 pixels.

So if it’s larger than that, it will only slow down your site, and lead to worse SEO.

Ideal Squarespace Banner Image Height

There is no ideal height for Squarespace banner images, only an ideal width.

However, it is recommend that the banner image is wider than it is tall.

ideal banner height in Squarespace

5 Quick Tweaks for Your Squarespace Banner

We’ve looked at Squarespace banner dimensions, so now let’s check out some ways you can make your banner look awesome.

1. Animate your banner image

This Spark Plugin customization zooms in and out of your banner image, providing an animated effect. It’s great for making your web visitors stop in their tracks and pay attention!

Link: Animated banner image

2. Do a reveal

Squarespace banner reveal

I love this tutorial which uses the CSS sticky property to do a nifty image reveal on your banner. There’s a little planning as you need to make sure your elements are sized correctly, but it’s worth the time!

Link: CSS banner reveal

3. Add a divider

section divider for banner images in Squarespace

These dividers add depth and uniqueness to your Squarespace banner and also separate your banner from the rest of your web content. There are lots of different shapes to choose from too!

Link: Section divider

4. Create a slideshow

Squarespace banner slideshow

Got lots of photos you want to use for your banner but can’t decide which one to choose? Why not create a slideshow and use them all? The good news is that you can do this on Squarespace without code or use a flipbook animation maker to showcase your slideshows in the best way possible.

Link: Slideshow banner

5. Animated banner shapes

Slightly different from the first option on this list, an animated background means you can show bits of your banner image at a time, intriguing your visitors.

Link: Animated banner shapes

Squarespace Banner Size Cut Off

I’m often asked if there’s the risk of your Squarespace banner image being cut off.

It’s important to bear in mind that your Squarespace banner will be cropped on mobile devices, meaning it won’t look the same as it does on desktop.

Changing the banner size can affect which part of your banner visitors see. You can also adjust the focal point in the Squarespace settings.

Trial and error is the key – I’ve had to upload and reupload the banner a few times to get it exactly right!

I hope this guide has told you everything you need to know about Squarespace banner dimensions. Want to read more fantastic hints and tips to make your Squarespace website look incredible? Check out the Spark Plugin blog for lots of great information!

Rasmus Myhrberg

Founder of Spark Plugin, a transformative design tool for Squarespace. He has been working with UI and UX design for the past 15 years, and has founded three design-focused companies during this time.


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